My name is Shravani and this is my coding portfolio. You can click the about page to see my technological experience and the hobbies page to learn more about me!
Recent Projects
Project 1 - Gun Violence Website: HTML, CSS, and JS
This website conveys the importance of fighting against gun violence. It includes a fact generator, provides some scenarios of gun violence, and offers some solutions that can be presented to higher officials. It was created using HTML for all text components, CSS for web design, and Javascript (JS) for interactive elements. Click this button to go to the website.
Project 2 - Magical Rainbow Eggs Challenge: JAVA
The challenge provided to us states that: You have been hired to write a program to keep track of Egg Cartons that contain multi colored eggs produced by magical chickens on the Magical Egg Rainbow Farm. The egg cartons are represented by an array with mutator methods adding and removing eggs from the carton and accessor methods to view what eggs the carton contains. The methods will: add an egg to the egg carton, remove an egg from the egg carton, search for an egg by color or number in the carton, and finally, search for and remove the found egg from the egg carton
Project 3 - VEX Transport Challenge: Python
The requirements for this project include the building of the robot and then programming it to go through the labyrinth created. After building a robot with the necessary components, Python was used to direct the movements of the robot through this path. VEX V5 was the platform used to code Python for the robot. This challenge was successfully completed in under 20 seconds.
Project 4 - Arduino: C++
The goal of this project was to make a security system that causes the LED to flash different colors based on the distance of an object from the sensor. Distance > 24cm - Flash Green, 12cm < Distance <= 24cm - Flash Purple, Distance <= 12cm - Flash Blue